The EHP director provides major advisement for all English Honors students as they work their way through their major and specialization.  You must meet with Dr. Castillo-Garsow for advisements, permissions, thesis-planning, etc. at least once a semester, by appointment.  Rising seniors wanting to enroll in ENG/ENW 481/482 during Spring registration must get a tutorial form from the EHP director, obtain the signatures of their mentor, the EHP director, and the English Chair, and then submit their signed tutorial-request form to the English Department administrator.  Only once the form has been processed will they be given permission to register.

CUNY FIRST is your ONLY access to all things pertaining to courses and registration.  After you’ve met with the EHP director for advisement, put the courses you’ve agreed on in your CUNYfirst SHOPPING CART, with or without permissions.  Once registration opens, you can register for all courses with permissions with a single click! 

ENW 306 Peer Tutoring is always recommended as it involves good mentoring, paid work (the next term), and conference opportunities!  A theory course (ENG 371 Theoretical Approaches to Lit & Culture / ENG 386 Critical Race Theory / ENG 389 Intro to Literary & Cultural Theory) is required of English Honors Literature students and recommended for all EHP students (and English majors).  It should ideally be taken in the Spring term prior to the semester in which they take ENG 481/482.  HUM 470 Internship is encouraged for English Honors Creative Writing and Professional Writing students.  It is normally taken during a student’s Junior year.  CW students may want to work on Obscura (see Professor Maria Fernandez); PW students may want to work on The Meridian (see Professor Frye-Castillo).  ENG 350 Senior Seminars should not be taken the same semester as ENG/ENW 481/482.  HUM 150 City and the Humanities is a one-credit course in which students attend performances and write up short reviews. 

Education Minors Certification 

Keep in mind that the Department of Education is changing their degree programs, which means that the joint ENGLISH/ECCE program NO LONGER EXISTS.  If you are minoring in Early Childhood or Childhood Education and want to be an English major, you now MUST declare as a Literature, Creative Writing, or Professional Writing major.  (The Department of Education STRONGLY prefers Literature Majors.)  If you want to get certified in ECCE as part of your undergraduate degree, you no longer can.  But you may apply for entry into a new five-year BA/MA certification sequence that will allow you to realize your goals effectively.  See the Department of Education for details. 


:( At present, DegreeWorks is still less than useful to English students, as it has yet to catch up to major curriculum changes enacted over the past few years.  The Department will again try to rectify this situation, however, so that DegreeWorks can function as a valuable tool for keeping track of BA and English Major requirements & proving your academic status/progress to the Financial Aid Office. 

Research Guide

Professor Farrell at the Lehman Library has kindly put together a most useful Research Guide for EHP students. Make good use of this valuable resource.  Pay particular attention to the horizontal row of blue tabs near the top:  you’ll see what’s there immediately if you click on “Database Searching” or “Citation Guides” (the MLA Guide is there!).  Provides valuable links to library resources, online databases (primary and critical), bibliographical information, and schools of criticism and theory.